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冯 淼

发布时间:2021-02-04 字体: 打印
发布时间:2021-02-04 打印




冯淼,副研究员,抗日战争史研究室副主任。 中国人民大学学士,纽约大学历史系硕士、博士。2013-2016年美国威斯康星大学白水分校历史系终身教职轨道助理教授。2015-2018年任上海纽约大学访问教授。2016年入职近代史研究所革命史研究室,2024年调入抗日战争史研究室。研究方向为革命文化、有关中国革命的学术研究与学术思想史、社会思想史、抗日战争时期的社会文化与性别。联系方式为 mia.feng.historian@icloud.com or fengmiao@cass.org.cn


Miao Feng (Mia) is an associate research fellow at the Institute of Modern History近代史研究所, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. She holds a PhD in History from New York University. She is specialized in history and historiography of the Chinese Revolution, social intellectual history of twentieth-century China, gender and women’s history. She has published peer-reviewed articles in both Chinese and English. She recently published a Chinese monograph on the rise of mass education in modern China. She is currently working on a book manuscript on literacy and Chinese revolution in twentieth-century China. She welcomes scholarly communications on related topics. She can be reached at mia.feng.historian@icloud.com or fengmiao@cass.org.cn



学术成果 Publications




《勾勒政治文化:新文化视野下的中国革命史研究述评》,《史林》2023年 第4 


Review of Li Jinzheng 李金錚, Chongfang geming: Zhonggong “xin gemingshi” de zhuanxiang 重訪革命:中共新革命史的轉向 (Revisit the Revolution: The Turn to A New Chinese Communist Revolutionary History, 1921-1949), Journal of Chinese Studies in History, Forthcoming


《革命与圣火:女工夜校与三十年代上海的劳工教育》,《妇女研究论丛》2023年第2期 ;人大报刊复印资料 《妇女研究》2023年第4期 全文转载; 史学月刊《历史与社会》文摘2023年第2期 部分转载








《深入日常、深化革命:<读书生活>与三十年代上海城市革命文化的发展》 ,《文学评论》2019年第4期。




“The Politics of Education: Popular Education, Quotidian Experience, and Contention over the Masses in China, 1927-1937”, PhD Dissertation, New York University, 2013, UMI Publication number 3556992


“Education as a Continuation of Revolution: the Communist Education of Petty Urbanites in 1930s Shanghai”, Twentieth-Century ChinaJohn Hopkins University Press 2017 May Issue

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