北京人,1990年12月生。2016年7月毕业于首都师范大学外国语学院英语语言文学系,获文学硕士学位,同年到中国社会科学院近代史研究所工作,任英文刊《中国近代史》(Journal of Modern Chinese History)编辑。研究方向为中国近现代翻译史、翻译文体学。
7. “An Analysis of the Female Ideologies in Bunner Sisters from the Perspective of ‘Power-Over’”,International Journal of Applied Linguistics & English Literature 2018年第7期。
9.“A Tentative Study of the Historical Themes in Toni Morrison’s Paradise”(Studies in Linguistics and Literature,2020年5月,0.5万字,第一作者);
1. 《景观叙事——讲故事的设计实践》,394千字,中国建筑工业出版社,2015 。
1. “The Origins of the South China Sea Issue”,Journal of Modern Chinese History 2017年第1期。
2. “The United Front in the Context of Politics Based on Personal Relationships: The Story of Mixian County in an Age of Ambivalence”,Journal of Modern Chinese History2017年第2期。
3. “A Journey to Mars: John Dewey’s Lectures and Inquiry in China”,Journal of Modern Chinese History 2018年第1期。
4. “An East-West Confrontation inthe North-China Herald duringthe Nationalist Revolution: A Case Study of Shao Futang’s Letters to the Editor”,Journal of Modern Chinese History 2018年第1期。
5. “Pictures and Music from Stone: The Indigenization of Lithography in Modern China, 1876-1945”,Journal of Modern Chinese History 2018年第2期。
6. “The Early Slide Projector and Slide Shows in China from the Late Seventeenth to the Early Twentieth Century”,Journal of Modern Chinese History 2018年第2期。
7. “The Grammar of the Telegraph in the Late Qing: The Design and Application of Chinese Telegraphic Codebooks”,Journal of Modern Chinese History 2018年第2期。
8. “Disciplined Love: The Chinese Communist Party’s Wartime Restrictions on Cadre Love and Marriage”,Journal of Modern Chinese History 2019年第1期。
9. “US Attitudes towards China before and after the Washington Conference Based on US Mainstream Media Reports”,Journal of Modern Chinese History 2019年第2期。
10. To Japan and Back from Japan: The Exchange of Words and Concepts between China and Japan in Modern Times;Land Reform and Changes in Rural Political Power in North China: An Investigation from the Perspective of Political History, Journal of Modern Chinese History,2020年第1期。